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Post Thumb: /aug13/supereruptiondvds.jpg Earlier this week we told you about the upcoming August 13th DVD release of Super Eruption from…

Post Thumb: /aug13/supereruption.jpg A long dormant volcano under Yellowstone threatens the United States and beyond in Super Eruption, heading to…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg While not really a horror series, “Ripper Street” still has a…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg We’re just a few days away from the premiere of “Ripper Street,” and BBC America has released…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg This coming Saturday, January 19th, “Ripper Street” premieres on BBC America, and we have a look at…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg BBC America has rolled out another “getting to know you” video for “Ripper Street” – spend some…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg “Game of Thrones” fans love him as Bronn, but Jerome Flynn has another role he wants you…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg Ready to learn a bit more about the lead character in BBC America’s “Ripper Street,” Inspector Edmund…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg We have just a few days to fill before the premiere of “Ripper Street” on BBC America,…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg We have yet another video to share this fine Thursday… take a look inside “Ripper Street,” BBC…

Post Thumb: /aug12/ripper.jpg Another dark and dank crime drama from the UK is heading our way on BBC America, “Ripper…