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Uncategorized November 27, 2009
Roland Emmerich’s latest end-of-the-world opus 2012 is a mish-mash of just about every disaster movie you’ve ever seen. Not sure…
Uncategorized November 13, 2009
Sometimes when you think about all the chaos in the world today, you can’t help but feel that maybe, just…
November 13, 2009
Reviewed by Nomad Starring Amanda Peet, John Cusack, Explosions, CGI Directed by Roland Emmerich A tremor here … an explosion…
Uncategorized October 29, 2009
There has been a brief uptick in killer bear flicks the last two years, and not all for the best.…
Uncategorized October 21, 2009
Akiva Goldsman is a name almost universally reviled amongst the online movie geek community. Inside Hollywood, the Oscar-winning screenwriter is…
Uncategorized October 7, 2009
I’ve long had a theory that either someone at Syfy or enterprising producers that make movies for Syfy keep tabs…
Uncategorized October 6, 2009
Director Russell Mulcahy is back with a new film on the horizon that promises to be full of bite. Shark…
Uncategorized October 6, 2009
Roger Corman helped unleash
October 6, 2009
Reviewed by The Foywonder Starring Val Kilmer, Aaron Ashmore, Martha MacIsaac, Anne Marie De Luise Directed by Mark A. Lewis…
Uncategorized October 2, 2009
I’m no fan of Roland Emmerich. With that said, his upcoming be-all, end-all disaster epic 2012 (opening November 12th) is…
Uncategorized September 16, 2009
Sharks are probably one of the scariest creatures on the planet. There’s just no reasoning with them. You’re not a…
Uncategorized September 4, 2009
Just when you thought you’d seen everything comes the trailer for Creep Creepersin’s latest film …. Vaginal Holocaust. Strap in,…