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January 7, 2011
As mentioned previously, NECA’s new line of Ghostface figures that are set for release just ahead of the new Scream…
December 23, 2010
Now that Predators has (for the most part) gotten the Predator franchise back on the right track, everyone’s favorite intergalactic…
December 20, 2010
In honor of the original Scream, which opened 14 years ago today, NECA has provided our first look at their…
Uncategorized November 26, 2010
Have a Predator fan on your holiday season shopping list? Then holy shit are we about to show you something…
November 17, 2010
From Idle Hands, our man Nomad’s home away from home, comes word that as Scream 4 prepares to hit theaters,…
June 28, 2010
Remember a few weeks ago NECA teased their new Predators action figures with an image of three silhouetted hunters? Well…
Uncategorized April 23, 2010
Now here is something we’ve been waiting for FOREVER! A deluxe collectible from The Exorcist featuring little Reagan strapped to…
March 23, 2010
What would Jason be without his machete? Michael without his butcher knife? Pinhead without his numerous implements of torture? Probably…
Uncategorized March 13, 2010
NECA Toys is known for making its collectibles as realistic and detailed as possible. So with a new line of…
February 17, 2010
Nomad just reported in with a slew of new A Nightmare on Elm Street goodies for you guys to ummm…
February 13, 2010
With record snowfall to keep him locked inside with his toys and a new The Wolfman opening in theatres today,…
January 5, 2010
The Twilight train roars on, and today it’s NECA feeding the fires driving that engine. Prepare for new little boys…