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Toy collectors better start saving up their pennies now. There are a ton of new figures on the horizon, and…

Today is the first official day of the 2015 San Diego Comic-Con, which is pretty wild considering how much awesome…

Though she was originally supposed to play a role in Aliens, all mention of Ellen Ripley’s daughter Amanda was completely…

Need more horror-related collectibles on your shelf? Look no further than NECA’s latest Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Nightmare on Elm…

These? These are badass personified. Over on Ari Lehman’s Facebook page, First Jason himself unveiled the collectibles you see here…

Aliens aficionados who have shelves packed with Xenomorphs are in for a serious treat. The good folks over at NECA…

When it comes to collectibles based on the Alien franchise, NECA has produced some of the coolest. This latest idea…

The toy rights to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise have changed hands many times over the years, and ole Leatherface…

There have been so many Jason-related Friday the 13th figures out there over the past few years, it’s hard to…

Following in the footsteps of their awesome Ultimate Freddy collectible, NECA has announced that soon we’ll also be getting an…

If you haven’t yet looked on your calendar or at that little fixture in the lower right-hand corner of your…