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Coming to home video on August 15th is Metropol Pictures’ Union Furnace, a horror thriller that features Keith David, of…

Metropol Pictures announced last week that they will be bringing the horror/thriller Union Furnace to home video formats (Blu-ray and…

Metropol Pictures has announced that they will be bringing the horror/thriller Union Furnace to home video formats (Blu-ray and DVD)…

Starring Mike Dwyer, Seth Hammond, Katie Keene Directed by Nicholas Bushman I’m not now, nor have I ever been a…

Out today on VOD is director/co-writer Nicholas Bushman’s horror film Union Furnace, and right now we have yet another clip…

2013. That was the last time we talked about the new horror flick starring Keith David entitled Union Furnace. Since…

Post Thumb: /jan14/stranger-in-the-dunes-s.jpg Last we saw of Delphine Chaneac, she was making love to Adrien Brody and sprouting wings in…