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How can one of the friendliest smiles be attached to one of the darkest minds? After speaking with Sandra Becerril…

While October is already half over, that doesn’t mean that the horror season needs to end once Halloween is over!…

“More blood! Give me more blood!” –Director Ryuhei Kitamura Director and writer Ryuhei Kitamura reveals how his ten-year friendship with…

Starring Mickey Rourke, Richard Chamberlain, Adam Godley, Orson Chaplin, Eric Nelsen Written by Sandra Becerril, Alejandro Brugués, Lawrence C. Connolly,…

“I had that story for about 17 years.” -David Slade Producer, director and writer David Slade takes us through the…

We speak with director, producer, editor and actor Joe Dante as he describes the longtime friendshipthat helped spawn Nightmare Cinema.…

Would you enter an empty Rialto theater that’s showing a movie you’ve never heard of – a movie that’s starring…

Would you enter an empty Rialto theater that’s showing a movie you’ve never heard of – a movie that’s starring you?…

Later this year we will see the release of the new horror anthology Nightmare Cinema. The film comes ot us…

Good Deed Entertainment announced today the launch of its new genre-focused label, Cranked Up Films. The new label will specialize…

Montreal’s Fantasia International Film Festival will be celebrating its 22nd year when it runs from July 12-August 1. Featuring over…