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Uncategorized April 28, 2010
It’s almost here, boys and girls! We’re just a couple of days away from the return of one of the…
Uncategorized April 27, 2010
As if yesterday’s
Uncategorized April 27, 2010
Pull up a chair, kids! You’re gonna be here for a while! We have over a dozen bits of behind-the-scenes…
Uncategorized April 26, 2010
One of the things we were most grateful for while working on Never Sleep Again was the opportunity to meet…
Uncategorized April 26, 2010
While in attendance at the press junket for the upcoming Platinum Dunes redux of the classic A Nightmare on Elm…
Uncategorized April 23, 2010
The clock is ticking. Just a few more days. This time next week the Platinum Dunes version of the Wes…
April 23, 2010
Since the new Nightmare on Elm Street is hitting the screen soon, I thought I would do something a little…
Uncategorized April 22, 2010
Not a fan of the Chelsea Lately show on E!? Than you probably missed her interview with Elm Street star…
Uncategorized April 21, 2010
Now THIS, dear reader … this is the coolest thing we’ve seen in a long time, but BE WARNED —…
April 21, 2010
We’ve all seen the screen grabs, but today Warner Brothers has released the official set of images for the upcoming…
Uncategorized April 16, 2010
Music plays an integral part in film. In fact it can dictate just about everything on screen. With Platinum Dunes’…
Uncategorized April 13, 2010
In Platinum Dunes’ take on the Wes Craven’s horror classic A Nightmare on Elm Street, every second could be your…