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Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg One of the things we LOVE about the Paranormal Activity franchise is how all of the pieces…

Source Name: Mondo on Twitter Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct12/pams.jpg While everyone’s buzzing about

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg The waiting is over. Paranormal Activity 4 screened last night for all the fans who participated and…

Cover art: reviews/pa4s.jpg Starring Katie Featherston, Kathryn Newton, Matt Shively, Brady Allen Directed by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost Don’t…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Tie those laces up tight, folks, as the next clip for Paranormal Activity 4 has arrived and…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Alrighty, kids! You just have to hang on for a few more days as the release of…

Post Thumb: /mar12/chernobylthumb.jpg Tired of the usual tourist attractions? Fed up with long lines, expensive hotels, and those damned Priceline…

Post Thumb: /mar12/chernobylthumb.jpg The Chernobyl Diaries hits stores on October 16th on both DVD and Blu-ray and before you set…