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Uncategorized June 19, 2009
The third in a series of really disturbing posters for Pandorum popped up online today courtesy of IMP Awards, this…
Uncategorized May 28, 2009
The second trailer for the insane looking sci-fi/horror hybrid
Uncategorized May 5, 2009
Sci-fi thriller
Uncategorized March 10, 2009
Well, this might end up being a bit embarrassing for Production Weekly. Last week, they reported that the US remake…
Uncategorized March 4, 2009
It still freaks me out that the same Paul W.S. Anderson directed Event Horizon as well as churning out the…
Uncategorized February 24, 2009
Overture Films has joined up with Bloody-Disgusting to give one lucky horror fan a chance to be a part of…
Uncategorized October 21, 2008
Another Steve Niles title will be seeing its break on the big screen very soon; THR reports that Overture Films…
Uncategorized October 8, 2008
Though it’s not really news, as we’ve mentioned this more than once before, Variety reports this morning that Overture Films…