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Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg It’s as if somewhere out there the home video gods have smiled upon us! The third entry…
Source Name: IGN Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg As if there isn’t enough stuff going on right now, Magnet…
Source Name: Paris I’ll Kill You on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/pariss.jpg The first stills and new artwork…
Source Name: Screen Daily Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/pariss.jpg It’s been a long while since last we heard anything…
Post Thumb: /mar12/rec4s.jpg While in Austin, Texas, for the 2012 SXSW Film Festival currently under way, Dread Central had the…
Post Thumb: /jan12/sxsw.jpg The 2012 SXSW Film Conference and Festival began Friday, March 9th, and already our man on the…
Cover art: /reviews/rec3s.jpg Starring Leticia Dolera, Diego Martin Directed by Paco Plaza Paco Plaza returns to his Spanish found footage…
Source Name: Bloody Disgusting Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg Yesterday you saw the international trailer debut for the amazing…
Source Name: RTVE Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg Two words, kids. Holy and shit! If you were even almost…
Source Name: [REC] 3 Genesis on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg With [REC] 3: Genesis on its way…