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Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Last night a work in progress print of Paranormal Activity 4 was shown to audiences at this…

Cover art: reviews/pa4wps.jpg Starring Katie Featherston, Kathryn Newton, Matt Shively, Brady Allen Directed by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost Disclaimer:…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Okay, night owls! Here’s the moment you’ve been staying up for! The second full trailer for Paranormal…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Get ready, Paranormal Activity fans! Tonight at 12:00 midnight Pacific Time, Paramount is releasing the full trailer…

“All the activity has led to this…” So reads the one-sheet for Paranormal Activity 4, which hits theatres on October…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg A new still from Paranormal Activity 4 has just made its presence known on the film’s official…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg What better way could there possibly be to kick off your work week than with a high…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg Where’s Katie? Where’s Hunter? What’s up with the witches? Who is this new family? In just a…

Source Name: Hey U Guys Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/wwzs.jpg Remember in True Romance when Brad Pitt played a…

Post Thumb: /mar12/lovedoness.jpg In a few days The Loved Ones will finally be coming home in the States, and to…

Post Thumb: /sep12/funsizes.jpg Paramount Pictures just stuck a new poster for Fun Size in our plastic jack-o-lantern candy holder, and…