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Post Thumb: /nov12/pa4blus.jpg We’ve been telling you about the Paranormal Activity franchise’s Latino-themed cousin for a while now, and with…

Post Thumb: /nov12/pa4blus.jpg Okay, kids, an exclusive holiday gift from us to you… we have all the info you need…

Post Thumb: /oct12/pa5.jpg With news of Paranormal Activity 4 hitting Blu-ray and DVD coming last week, it was only a…

Post Thumb: /nov12/pa4blus.jpg In case there was any doubt that Paranormal Activity 4 would be released on home video unrated,…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg He may only be seven years old, but up-and-coming child actor Aiden Lovekamp still managed to deliver…

Source Name: Wild Bunch Distribution on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg We’ll never understand how or why people…

Source Name: Box Office Mojo Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/boxoffice.jpg As the 2012 Halloween movie season draws to a…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg The ongoing tie-in Paranormal Activity viral series continues, this time with the most horrid thing Jacob has…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg It’s Friday, and we have a good mixture of funny and spooky Paranormal Activity 4 related hijinx…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg After going through some seriously creepy stuff, cameras are now up and running throughout the Degloshi household.…

Post Thumb: /jul12/pa4osss.jpg More developments are cooking in the Degloshi household as Jacob and his daughter, Sarah, are officially getting…