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Post Thumb: /mar13/the-conjuring-posters.jpg A new one-sheet for the super-spooky new flick from James Wan, The Conjuring, has arrived from our…

Post Thumb: /mar13/the-conjuring-posters.jpg Our friends across the pond have their very own trailer for James Wan’s The Conjuring, and even…

Post Thumb: /mar13/the-conjuring-posters.jpg Andrea Perron. She and her family experienced a living hell in a tiny farmhouse for nearly ten…

Post Thumb: /mar13/the-conjuring-posters.jpg Another trailer for the new uber-creepy opus from James Wan, The Conjuring, has arrived to send some…

Source Name: All That’s Epic Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar13/the-conjuring-posters.jpg Our guy Casey King is busy wandering the halls…

Post Thumb: /mar13/the-conjuring-posters.jpg A new one-sheet for James Wan’s incredibly spooky looking film The Conjuring has arrived, and it’s home…

Post Thumb: /feb13/conjuringthumb.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring1x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring2x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring3x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring4x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring5x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring6x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring7x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring8x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring9x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring10x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring11x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring12x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring13x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring14x’, ‘/gallery/theconjuring/theconjuring15x’,…

Post Thumb: /feb13/conjuringthumb.jpg We haven’t heard much about James Wan’s The Conjuring lately, but that’s about to change as Warner…

Post Thumb: /nov12/cjs.jpg Another still from James Wan’s upcoming The Conjuring has made its way into our inbox, and rather…

Post Thumb: /nov12/cjs.jpg Happy Monday, everyone! To celebrate the start of this short work week leading up to Thanksgiving, we…

Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/edlo.jpg Entertainment Weekly has scored a second still from James Wan’s…