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Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url:! Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg Hungry for a new still from The Hunger Games? Yeah,…
Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames1x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames2x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames3x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames4x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames5x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames6x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames7x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames8x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames9x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames10x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames11x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames12x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames13x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames14x’, ‘/gallery/hungergames/hungergames15x’,…
Source Name: MTV Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg It may be considered the newest darling of the tweener crowd,…
Source Name: The IMP Awards Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg Man, the studios are sure in a mad dash…
Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg Excited for Lionsgate’s big screen adaptation of The Hunger Games? Then wake up from your tryptophan induced…
Source Name: People Source Url:,,20545466,00.html Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg Hot on the heels of releasing the official trailer for The…
Source Name: ITunes Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/hungerthumb.jpg As someone who hasn’t read The Hunger Games books, I’ve been…