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These ten films fall under the so bad it's good heading but, somehow, we can't help but love each of…

Now where were these suckers during the Christmas season? Even adrenaline-addicted horror fans need to take some time out to…

Recently we passed along word that New York-based Rialto Pictures will release John Carpenter’s landmark horror movie The Fog on…

Arrow Video has just announced that they are launching a new music-focused subsidiary that they’re calling Arrow Music. To kick…

Starring Christopher George, Lynda Day George, Paul L. Smith, Edmund Purdom Directed by Juan Piquer Simon Distributed by Grindhouse Releasing…

We have another big list again this week, folks. There are 24 releases in total, although as mentioned last week,…

“And other surprises.” So reads the bottom of the press release for Grindhouse Releasing’s upcoming Blu-ray edition of Pieces, aka…

Released in 1982, Juan Piquer Simon’s Pieces has become a cult classic over the years, and if you’re part of…