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Starring Antonio Banderas, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Piper Perabo Directed by Brian Goodman Paul (Antonio Banderas) continues the horror tradition/trope of…

Source Name: Billy Bob Thornton Online Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/redmachinethumb.jpg Actor Billy Bob Thornton has revealed a lot…

First Behind-the-Scenes Still from Red Machine Features Thomas Jane Going One-on-One with a Grizzly!
Source Name: Thomas Jane Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/redmachinethumb.jpg You know the old saying that a picture speaks a…

Source Name: Variety Source Url:|News|LatestNews Post Thumb: /jan12/redmachinethumb.jpg Even more casting news has come in for Saw V director…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/redmachinethumb.jpg Yes, that headline sounds kind of dirty, but sometimes we just…