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While 'Alone In The Dark' doesn't quite reach its full potential, it’s still one that’s well worth checking out.

The highly anticipated PSX inspired survival horror game Crow Country, announces a release date for both PC and PlayStation.

Diving into the communities most requested killer, and the process behind what it takes to add a new killer to…

Dead By Daylight releases their new analog horror-inspired chapter today, filling us with a level of dread never experienced.

Heartworm, a love letter to survival horror games from the early 2000s finds a new publisher in DreadXP. Survival horror…

Crow Country, a PlayStation inspired survival horror get a new trailer and new demo as apart of Steams Next Fest.

With the announcement coming from Twitter, we now know The Mortuary Assistant is coming to consoles later this year.

In his quest to check out some old games, our Justin takes a look at the obscure Ps1 classic Martian…

Before FromSoft made Armored Core or Dark Souls, they made a little known Japanese horror game called Kuon. We take…

We dig through the sands of gaming history to uncover five unjustly forgotten console horror games, such as Hellnight and…

Remorse: The List has launched two new videos showing off their thoughts on level design and putting together a compelling…