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Uncategorized March 18, 2009
John Carpenter’s The Thing is some pretty sacred ground. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief when it was announced…
Uncategorized January 29, 2009
You knew it was inevitable as talk has been steadily circulating for the past few months about Universal’s prequel to…
Uncategorized January 13, 2009
We first heard about IDW Publishing‘s plans for a Terminator: Salvation comic prequel back when the 2008 San Diego Comic-Con…
Uncategorized December 12, 2008
There are ways to market a horror film that can make it look like something truly horrifying, even if the…
Uncategorized December 6, 2008
Collider managed to eke a bit more information out of actor Will Smith recently regarding plans for an upcoming I…
Uncategorized September 25, 2008
For reasons perhaps only the gods truly understand, Warner Bros. has begun to speed up the development of the proposed…
Uncategorized July 27, 2008
As Comic Con rolls on, the boys over at STYD got their ears tuned to two somewhat sad and disturbing…
Uncategorized November 16, 2007
Still waiting for release news on the Death Note movies here in the States? So are we … Now we’re…
Uncategorized October 26, 2007
Just a few days back it was reported that a new Underworld movie was getting ready to roll in New…