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Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan12/bates.jpg NBC is getting into the Hannibal Lecter business, and now A&E…
Post Thumb: /aug11/mppthumb.jpg Since Prometheus debuted a few weeks ago, we’ve had viral videos, alien language translations, and walkthroughs all…
Source Name: Movie Buzz on YouTube Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg If there’s one thing that Ridley Scott’s
Source Name: The Bioscopist Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg Prometheus has been in theatres for a few weeks now,…
Source Name: Prometheus Forum Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg Some new images from Ridley Scott’s
Source Name: BBC Source Url: Post Thumb: /feb12/legend.jpg We brought you the news a while back that Warner Brothers…
Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg The day is finally here, kids! It’s time to return to the Alien universe with Ridley Scott’s
Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg Time to put on your detective caps, kids, as the powers-that-be just sent over a clue to…
Source Name: Reddit Source Url: Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg The 1950’s was an amazing time for horror and sci-fi flicks.…
Post Thumb: /dec11/promethposters.jpg We’re almost there, kids. In just a few more hours Ridley Scott’s