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Uncategorized April 18, 2014
Source Name: Shock Till You Drop Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr14/pumpkinhead.jpg Hot on the heels of the announcement of…
Uncategorized April 3, 2014
Source Name: The Tracking Board Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr14/pumpkinhead.jpg Around these parts we’re HUGE fans of the Pumpkinhead…
Uncategorized November 1, 2012
Post Thumb: /oct12/winston.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead1x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead2x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead3x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead4x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead5x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead6x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead7x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead8x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead9x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead10x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead11x’, ‘/gallery/stanwinstonschool/swpumpkinhead12x’ Pumpkinhead has a…
September 30, 2011
Post Thumb: /aug11/dgs.jpg “Not bad for a human.” Do you recognize that voice on the Verizon Droid commercials? That is…
Uncategorized December 15, 2008
It’s been a long, long, long time since we directed you guys over to Evilshop, but that’s because we’re nice…
Uncategorized September 8, 2008
Here’s a highlight list of horror DVDs coming out this Tuesday, September, 9th, 2008 … cause I’m too lazy to…
August 31, 2008
Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring Lance Henriksen, Jeff East, John D’Aquino, Kimberly Ross, Florence Schauffer Directed by Stan Winston Released…
Uncategorized August 13, 2008
MGM has had two versions of the DVD art for Pumpkinhead: 20th Anniversary Edition out there for a while now,…
Uncategorized August 9, 2008
Issue #81 August 2008 The recent death of Stan Winston struck a terrible blow in the horror community, catching almost…
Uncategorized July 18, 2008
The final details for the 20th anniversary DVD release of Stan Winston’s Pumpkinhead headed down the tubes today. Tired of…
Uncategorized June 27, 2008
Two decades ago a good man named Ed left his son for a moment. When he returned, the little boy…
Uncategorized June 19, 2008
Recently Uncle Creepy got to sit down for an extended chat with Michael Felsher, the man behind Red Shirt Pictures.…