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Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Yet another one-sheet for the latest alien invasion flick, The Darkest Hour, has hit the Internet with…

Source Name: The IMP Awards Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Not sure what you’ll be doing on Christmas Day…

Source Name: Kino Gallery Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg Over the years aliens in cinema have done many a…

Source Name: The IMP Awards Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct11/dhouris.jpg A truly badass piece of eye candy has arrived…

Post Thumb: /jul11/darkesthourthumb.jpg Those pesky aliens. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another. Oh, what it would be like to…

Post Thumb: /jul11/darkesthourthumb.jpg Really now … what goes better with the holiday season than a lethal alien invasion? Honestly it’s…

Post Thumb: /jul11/darkesthourthumb.jpg The trailer for the latest alien invasion flick headed our way, The Darkest Hour, has made its…

Post Thumb: /stock/comiccon.jpg The alien invasion flick The Darkest Hour looks to be among the more unique and interesting forays…

Post Thumb: /jul11/darkesthourthumb.jpg One film that’s kind of dropped off our radar a bit is The Darkest Hour, but that’s…

Source Name: Variety Source Url:|News|LatestNews Post Thumb: /jun11/rtaylor.jpg And the hot chicks continue to file their way into Loft.…

Source Name: Summit Entertainment Source Url: It’s been a while since we’ve gotten an update on director Chris Gorak’s…