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A touch of class came to our 32nd episode of Brainwaves Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio, as the always wonderful…

A touch of class is coming to our 32nd episode of Brainwaves Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio, as the always…

A touch of class is coming to our 32nd episode of Brainwaves Horror and Paranormal Talk Radio, as the always…

Fans, man! They make the coolest fucking stuff on the planet. Need yet another example? Check out the latest creation…

All Hallows’ Eve is upon us as mischief and the unexplained fill the air. It’s the time of year when…

One of the bigger surprises to come along recently was the announcement that there’s a new Re-Animator film in the…

The history of horror is a monstrous mash of many different types of films. While some a sadistically simple, others…

The news of Re-Animator: Evolution has been the cause of much speculation over the past several days in the horror…

There’s been a lot of confusion over whether or not Re-Animator: Evolution is canon in the Re-Animator franchise. Just to…

Yesterday we reported news on Re-Animator: Evolution, a rumored new sequel in the Re-Animator franchise – or even a reboot…