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On September 25, 2018, Scream Factory is proud to present The [REC] Collection 4-Disc Blu-ray set featuring a quadrilogy of terror, including [REC], [REC] 2, [REC]…

Post Thumb: /oct12/rec4s.jpg Words alone cannot fully illustrate how excited we are for the fourth film in the [REC] franchise,…

Post Thumb: /oct12/rec4s.jpg Oh, Angela Vidal, how we look forward to your demonic reign of terror. A new international teaser…

Post Thumb: /oct12/rec4s.jpg Sometimes in order to take a step forward, you need to take one back, and that’s exactly…

Post Thumb: /oct12/rec4s.jpg After the lukewarm reception to the last [REC] film, it’s going to be interesting to see how…

Post Thumb: /aug11/r4as.jpg It’s gonna be a fun time for [REC] fans at this year’s Sitges Film Festival because that’s…

Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg One of the most polarizing films of the year is without question the third entry into the…

Post Thumb: /jul12/ukr3s.jpg Something weird is happening across the pond and it has nothing to do at all with Prince…

Post Thumb: /jul12/ukr3s.jpg Our good friends across the pond have given DC readers an exclusive look at the red band…

Source Name: Apple Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg Magnet just released a killer new one-sheet for

Post Thumb: /jul11/rec3oss.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia1x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia2x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia3x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia4x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia5x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia6x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia7x’, ‘/gallery/rec3/leticia8x’ If there’s one undeniable thing about