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'The Devil's Bath' is a harrowing experience, but a deeply important and beautiful one. Read our full review on Dread…

A man with a traumatic brain injury is led down a dark path by his charismatic "wolf in sheep's clothing"…

Starring Kaitlyn Bernard and Brenna Llewellyn as two of the seven sins represented in female form, The Sinners is definitely…

I remember when I first saw the trailer for Exorcist III. One of the most startling moments found within it…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /jan14/nocturnes-s.jpg Religion-based horror movies have a tendency to become box…

Cover art: reviews/borderlands.jpg Starring Robin Hill, Gordon Kennedy, Luke Neal Directed by Elliot Goldner Strange things are afoot in England’s…

Post Thumb: /dec13/princepiecess.jpg We’ve been talking about Sam Miserendino’s graphic novel Prince of Pieces, a satirical horror story about the…

Post Thumb: /jan13/wakebefores.jpg Fans of religious horror, keep your eyes on Todd and Jason Freeman’s Wake Before I Die, a…

Post Thumb: /jul11/redss.jpg Kevin Smith’s long talked about and highly controversial new film Red State is finally hitting DVD and…