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Hey, kids! Stephen Romano here, author/screenwriter and sometimes illustrator. I’m a sick bastard like you are (hopefully), and every year…

We here at Dread Central were honored to have been able to bring you the Retro 13 poster art feature…

What’s this? SUDDEN DEATH?? Yes, kids, we’re not quite done with the Retro 13. As I hinted at last week,…

In a show-stopping flash of heavy metal badassery, the PHANTOM returns to haunt the living, with an all-new song and…

Well, kids, we’re almost to the end. There’s a reason why this thing is called RETRO 13, and today we’ve…

So, what happens when the lead singer of The Runaways develops psychic powers, teams up with Louis from Revenge of…

Hi, kids! I’m going to open this week with a terrible confession. Even as a card-carrying, dyed-in-the-wool professional horror fan,…

Again, we ask the loaded question: What can be said about an immortal classic that has not already been uttered…

This week I am paying tribute to one of horror’s greatest fallen heroes. The one. The only. The legendary. Phil…

What’s this? An Oliver Stone film at RETRO 13?!! Um, well, yeah. I didn’t make this up, people. It’s history.…