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'You're Next' is a modern horror classic. Almost a decade later, its terrifying impact should be greater than it is.

Sometimes it takes awhile for great art to be appreciated. Take John Carpenter’s The Thing, for instance. A remake of the classic…

Post Thumb: /stock/jason.jpg The Tommy Jarvis “trilogy” of Friday the 13th movies is among the franchise’s most popular. When looking…

And here we are – the fifth and final installment of Psycho Path, a look at fictional madman Norman Bates…

Post Thumb: /jan12/bates.jpg Welcome to the fourth installment of Psycho Path, a look at fictional madman Norman Bates from the…

Post Thumb: /jan12/bates.jpg Welcome to the third installment of Psycho Path, a look at fictional madman Norman Bates from the…

Post Thumb: /jan12/bates.jpg Welcome to the second installment of Psycho Path, a look at fictional madman Norman Bates from the…

Post Thumb: /jan12/bates.jpg Welcome to the first installment of Psycho Path, a look at fictional madman Norman Bates from the…

Post Thumb: /jan12/rers.jpg Resident Evil. Every horror fan recognizes that title. Resident Evil is the Howard Stern of the horror…

Source Name: Collider Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul11/underworld.jpg Much to the chagrin of horny men everywhere, especially our own…

Post Thumb: /jun12/wolfens.jpg Wolfen isn’t a werewolf movie. I should make that clear from the start. In fact, Wolfen has…