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On tap right now is an exclusive clip from Rob Hall’s feature length version of his web series Fear Clinic.…

On tap right now is the official trailer for Rob Hall’s feature length version of his web series Fear Clinic.…

We’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for The Phantom of the Opera starring Robert Englund around these…

The horror industry is one of the single most giving businesses in all of the world. Any chance people within…

Looking for a warm place to head to after the holidays? Well, if you visit Ft. Lauderdale in mid-February, you…

Our friends in the UK at SCREAM Magazine have launched iSCREAM, which offers every edition of the publication – past…

Rob Hall’s feature length version of his web series Fear Clinic will be making the festival rounds for a while,…

With most of his former “Secret Circle” co-stars having moved on to other TV shows, we’ve been wondering when we…

Fear Clinic is set for release from Anchor Bay in early 2015, but tonight it’s premiering at Screamfest L.A. so…

Making the leap from web series to feature film, Fear Clinic is set for release from Anchor Bay in early…

Horror icon Robert Englund – Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise – will guest star on Syfy’s…