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Talk about a match made in heaven … or possibly hell … Roger Corman, Joe Dante, and Corey Feldman are…

When I read the news the other day that Roger Corman was selected to receive an Honorary Oscar by the…

Now that Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (review here) has become something of a minor web phenomenon, it should come…

Talk about amazing timing. Just last night I watched the new Rifftrax DVD of Roger Corman’s original Little Shop of…

Who here remembers Roger Corman’s classic X: The Man With the X-Ray Eyes? Anyone? If you do, you’re either an…

You can always count on Roger Corman to bring his b-game to the creature feature genre. The filmmaking legend who…

Not to worry, oh lovers of cheesy B-cinema everywhere, we wouldn’t let 2008 come to a close without adding some…

Roger Corman’s about to add a new monstrosity to his ever-growing menagerie of creature features: Cyclops. The Corman-produced sword &…

Here I thought this whole colorization thing had more or less died out in the Eighties. Guess not. I’m with…

Reviwed by The Foywonder Starring Brad Johnson, Kelly McGillis, Bianca Lawson, John Coulton, Mary Alexandra Stiefvater, Josh Kelly, Elizabeth Johnson,…