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Guillermo del Toro has told us some pretty extraordinary tales over the years, including Pan’s Labyrinth and Pacific Rim. So…

Source Name: Screen Daily Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep13/roger-corman.jpg Before making films like The Howling and Gremlins, a young…

Post Thumb: /aug13/corman-book-s.jpg The name Roger Corman is synonymous with all things fun, scary, goofy, sleazy, and monstrous in film;…

Post Thumb: /aug13/hells-haunted-palace-s.jpg On tap right now are the trailer and one-sheet for the Roger Corman-produced film from director Antony…

Post Thumb: /jul13/cormans-drive-in.jpg The influence of the great Roger Corman has reverberated through the film industry for many, many years.…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg Fan of Corman creature features? What about Mega Vs. flicks? Been wanting to catch up with “Defiance”?…

Source Name: The Hollywood Reporter Source Url: Post Thumb: /sep12/poes.jpg During the 1950s and 1960s filmmaker Roger Corman created…

Post Thumb: /aug12/50s.jpg From legendary producer Roger Corman, the director of Dinoshark, and the screenwriter of Sharktopus comes Attack of…

Post Thumb: /stock/comiccon.jpg Roger Corman’s Attack of the 50 Foot Cheerleader is heading to this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, where…

Cover art: reviews/pcondas.jpg Starring Michael Madsen, Rachel Hunter, Rib Hillis, Terri Ivens, Shandi Finnessey, Diana Terranova Directed by Jim Wynorski…

Post Thumb: /apr12/pcondas.jpg Between any one of the 7,000 shark movies coming out and Piranha 3DD, man-eating aquatic creatures have…