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New images surfaced today courtesy of Lionsgate to help further along anticipation of their upcoming DVD release of J.T. Petty’s…

IGN got the early word on the special features that’ll be found on the Outlander DVD when it hits video…

The final artwork and specs have been release for J.T. Petty’s long-awaited underground monster movie

Reviewed by Johnny Butane Starring James Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Huston, John Hurt, Ron Perlman Directed by Howard McCain Distributed…

Vikings and creatures in space. Has a finer idea surfaced this 0ear? The Weinsteins’ Third Rail Releasing has released the…

Hungry for some mutant killing action? Honestly, who isn’t? Why back in my day any critter with more than two…

With the minor exception of Neil Marshall’s Dog Soldiers, a film making its premiere on the Sci Fi Channel is…