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Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/lionsgate.jpg Over the summer we told you about an upcoming zombie flick…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /studios/lionsgate.jpg “Once Upon a Time” star Sarah Bolger has signed on for…

Post Thumb: /mar13/crush-blu-rays.jpg Gather round, my fellow psychos. The official trailer for Crush is here, and we need you to…

Post Thumb: /mar13/crush-blu-rays.jpg Crushes can really be harsh, man. One person’s obsession can lead to all sorts of nasty outcomes…

Post Thumb: /aug11/mppthumb.jpg Mary Harron’s The Moth Diaries hits select theaters tomorrow, April 20th, courtesy of IFC, and in case…

Post Thumb: /feb12/mothds.jpg Excited to see the new film from American Psycho director Mary Harron, The Moth Diaries? Well, how…

Post Thumb: /feb12/mothds.jpg IFC released a third clip for the new film from American Psycho director Mary Harron, The Moth…

Post Thumb: /feb12/mothds.jpg Excited for the new film from American Psycho director Mary Harron, The Moth Diaries? Still on the…

Source Name: Yahoo! Movies Source Url: Post Thumb: /feb12/mothds.jpg IFC has finally gotten around to revealing the full trailer…

Post Thumb: /may11/moths.jpg While we all wait patiently for IFC Films to release the latest film from American Psycho director…

Source Name: Variety Source Url: Post Thumb: /may11/moths.jpg The new film from American Psycho director Mary Harron, The Moth…