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We’ve been talking about the upcoming Sasquatchploitation film Love in the Time of Monsters for some time now, and the…

Post Thumb: /apr14/hunting-the-legend-s.jpg Come tomorrow, July 8, 2014, Hunting the Legend will be available on DVD, but right now… right…

Source Name: The Wrap Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/bigfoot.jpg We’re always on the hunt for a random sliver of…

Post Thumb: /apr14/hunting-the-legend-s.jpg Get ready, kids, because come July 8, 2014, you’re gonna be Hunting the Legend on DVD, but…

Post Thumb: /jun14/huntingthelegenduks.jpg Image Entertainment is releasing Justin Steeley’s Hunting the Legend here in the States on July 8th, but…

Post Thumb: /apr13/willow-creek-posters.jpg On tap right now is an exclusive clip from the upcoming sliver of sasquatchploitation from Bobcat Goldthwait,

Post Thumb: /nov13/megafoot-art-s.jpg The idea of a Mech-Bigfoot is very exciting. So exciting in fact that artist Vincent Cretara and…

Source Name: Entertainment Weekly Source Url: Post Thumb: /apr13/willow-creek-posters.jpg Entertainment Weekly scored quite the badass artwork and video for…

Post Thumb: /apr14/hunting-the-legend-s.jpg Word of another Bigfoot film project has checked in, and we have an exclusive look at the…

Post Thumb: /apr13/willow-creek-posters.jpg We told you that the sliver of sasquatchploitation from Bobcat Goldthwait known as