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Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg What is it with Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequels? Why do they always try ignoring everything except for…

Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg It’s true there are slasher movies out there worse than Shredder. No budget nonsense that challenges the…

Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg I don’t usually like using the term “guilty pleasure” because I rarely feel guilty about the films…

Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg One of the challenges of writing a weekly article is picking the right subject. I didn’t have…

Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg At the conclusion of Lamberto Bava’s Demons a universe of possibilities had been opened, suggesting a myriad…

Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg Tobe Hooper’s Invaders from Mars is one of those films that must’ve traumatized a good percentage of…

Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg Dread Central regulars might remember my short-lived column from 2010. I drudged up older genre films on…