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Post Thumb: /may13/riddick-s.jpg If you weren’t excited for the flick before, then this new red-band trailer for Riddick should more…

Post Thumb: /sep12/newrcs.jpg Evan Dickson from our brothers in harm Bloody Disgusting just checked in with a quick tidbit of…

Source Name: Deadline Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul13/dawn-of-the-dead-3d-s.jpg In what is probably the most unexpected news of the San…

Post Thumb: /jul13/seventh-son-s.jpg Julianne Moore and Jeff Bridges are front and center on the new one-sheets in promotion of Seventh…

Post Thumb: /jun13/carrie-s.jpg A new viral in promotion of Carrie has hit the interwebs and this one takes a good…

Post Thumb: /jul11/dexter.jpg The entire cast of “Dexter” showed up at the San Diego Comic-Con to bid farewell and offer…

Post Thumb: /stock/twdlogo.jpg Okay, “Walking Dead,” fans! Here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for! We’ve got the trailer for Season…

Post Thumb: /jun13/dead-rising-3-s.jpg There I was walking around the Hard Rock Hotel when I saw a HUGE Xbox One sign…

Post Thumb: /aug12/closs.jpg Gallery Image: ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb1x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb2x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb3x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb4x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb5x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb6x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb7x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb8x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb9x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb10x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdcccb11x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdccca1x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdccca2x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdccca3x’, ‘/gallery/castlevania/castlevaniasdccca4x’,…

Post Thumb: /may13/dawn-apes-logo-s.jpg We all know that in the latest film universe of the Planet of the Apes, some time…

Post Thumb: /feb13/teenwolfs.jpg “Teen Wolf” returned to Comic-Con for a fourth time yesterday, and along with revealing when the show’s…