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On this day in horror history, director Gregory Dark’s slasher See No Evil with wrestler Kane (Glenn Jacobs) was released…

There’s a huge crossover between horror fans and wrestling fans, which is hardly surprising considering both artforms celebrate violence and…

The battle between good and evil is a cornerstone of genre entertainment. In horror, heroes facing off against monsters and…

No, not the slasher franchise starring WWE supertsar Kane… what we’re talking about here is a redux of the 1971…

Here at Dread Central we love supplying you cats with free stuff, and Lionsgate Digital feels the same way so…

We hit the carpet last night in Hollywood, CA, for the Screamfest World Premiere of directors Jen and Sylvia Soska’s…

Starring Glen “Kane” Jacobs, Danielle Harris, Katharine Isabelle, Kaj-Erik Eriksen, Michael Eklund Directed by Jen and Sylvia Soska Distributed by…