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There's little better than a ridiculous shark movie on a Saturday night. Here are five of the best currently streaming…

Before Syfy and Roger Corman teamed up to bring us the cult favorite Sharktopus there was another cult flick about…

Let’s take a journey through time. Only back a couple of years, so don’t get too excited. The early 2010’s…

The second teaser for the upcoming flick Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf has arrived, and it’s a bit longer than its blink-and-you-missed-it…

Since the Sharktopus surfaced in 2010, he was an instant fan favorite… even though the movies he’s been featured in…

Post Thumb: /jul14/sharktopus-vs-pteracuda-s.jpg The first official bit of artwork for Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda has swum ashore, and according to it…

Post Thumb: /jun14/sharkweeks.jpg Talk show host Conan O’Brien is getting set to make his acting debut in what could be…

Post Thumb: /jun14/sharkweeks.jpg Playing as part of Syfy’s “Sharknado Week” is the sequel at least 10 people have been waiting…

Post Thumb: /aug13/sharktopus.jpg Though he turned 87 years old just a few months back, Roger Corman is showing no signs…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg We now live in a post-Sharknado world. That means Syfy creature movies are allowed to embrace utter…

Post Thumb: /studios/syfy.jpg Fan of Corman creature features? What about Mega Vs. flicks? Been wanting to catch up with “Defiance”?…

Source Name: Home Media Magazine Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar12/hmma.jpg Consumer voting for the 2012 Home Media Magazine Awards…