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Post Thumb: /jul14/sharktopus-vs-pteracuda-s.jpg The first official bit of artwork for Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda has swum ashore, and according to it…

Post Thumb: /jun14/sharkweeks.jpg Talk show host Conan O’Brien is getting set to make his acting debut in what could be…

Post Thumb: /jun14/sharkweeks.jpg Playing as part of Syfy’s “Sharknado Week” is the sequel at least 10 people have been waiting…

Post Thumb: /jun14/sharkweeks.jpg Sharks! Sharks! Everywhere… sharks! Syfy has announced that Sharknado 2, premiering July 30, will be surrounded by…

Post Thumb: /aug13/sharktopus.jpg Though he turned 87 years old just a few months back, Roger Corman is showing no signs…