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Hey there fiends, just wanted to give you a quick heads up regarding our Shock Festival contest. Artist Stephen Romano…

Steve Romano just turned in this week’s winning entry in our ongoing Shock Festival contest and I gotta say; this…

Scorpio Film Releasing is proud to announce that Richard Griffin’s Beyond the Dunwich Horror will be screening on Friday, June…

Just got the first word from Stephen Romano himself that posters from the upcoming Shock Festival book will be appearing…

Mr. Stephen Romano just sent us over this week’s winner in our ongoing Shock Festival contest. The man’s name is…

With our Shock Festival contest kicking a major amount of ass, it’s been hard for psycho-genius Stephen Romano to pick…

If you entered our ongoing Shock Festival contest but didn’t win last week, don’t think that means your idea wasn’t…

The first winner of our exclusive Shock Festival contest has been picked, and his film has been immortalized by the…

Stephen Romano sent us over a new poster he just completed work on for the fictional film Trenchcoat Trailer Park…