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Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg On February 11th UK horror fans can invite Mr. Boogie into their homes as Momentum Pictures brings…

With Ethan Hawke most recently delivering a laudable performance in the terrifying box office hit Sinister, due to hit UK…

Source Name: SciFi Now Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg The flick

Post Thumb: /stock/dread.jpg Another year winds down, and it’s time to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly…

Source Name: Wild Bunch Distribution on Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg We’ll never understand how or why people…

Source Name: Box Office Mojo Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/boxoffice.jpg Paranormal Activity 4, to no one’s surprise, ruled the…

Source Name: Box Office Mojo Source Url: Post Thumb: /stock/boxoffice.jpg Audiences were still Taken with Liam Neeson for the…

Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg Clips and trailers have a sickening tendency to show too much of a movie before its release.…

Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg Sometimes it’s hard to be aware of everything that’s happening around you. In fact, you never know…

Post Thumb: /may12/sinisters.jpg Ever since his feature film debut in 1985, Joe Dante’s Explorers, Ethan Hawke has continuously impressed audiences…