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For today's countdown Justin takes a look at another horror classic, with the PlayStation 2 exclusive Siren taking the spotlight…

The former director of games like Silent Hill and Siren has announced Slitterhead, his next game. It has lots of…

Keiichiro Toyma, director of Silent Hill, the Siren series, and the Gravity Rush series, is starting to show off concepts…

Keiichiro Toyma, director of Silent Hill, the Siren series, and the Gravity Rush series, is starting to show off concepts…

Now that so many of us have been asked to remain at home during the Coronavirus crisis, streaming entertainment is…

I have never watched an episode of Freeform’s killer mermaid series Siren. I’ve heard (relatively) good things and I guess…

Mentioning Disney’s Freeform channel doesn’t immediately give horror fans inspiration to scan listings and see what new programming they may…

Did anyone see that Adam Wingard told us to “suck it” on Twitter? That’s amazing. It’s also interesting that his tweets…

On tap right now we have an exclusive clip from SiREN, which Chiller Films will be bringing to theaters on…

Arguably the most memorable segment from V/H/S has gotten a feature-length expansion in the form of SiREN, which Chiller Films…

Arguably the most memorable segment from V/H/S has gotten a feature-length expansion in the form of SiREN, which Chiller Films…