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If you’re anything like me, you’ve been wondering when you’re going to be able to see Jim Jarmusch’s vampire flick…

Post Thumb: /mar14/only-lovers-left-alive-s.jpg On tap right now is another new clip from Jim Jarmusch’s vampire tale

Post Thumb: /mar14/only-lovers-left-alive-s.jpg While some may argue the audience will be only barely left alive after sitting through 2-1/2 hours…

Post Thumb: /may13/only-lovers-left-alive-art-s.jpg Yahoo! scored the official U.S. trailer for Jim Jarmusch’s vampire tale

Post Thumb: /may13/only-lovers-left-alive-art-s.jpg Vampire films have become tired and boring over the years, we must admit. But vampire films written…

Post Thumb: /may13/only-lovers-left-alive-art-s.jpg A brand spanking new clip from Jim Jarmusch’s toothy tale of lust and vampires, Only Lovers Left…

Post Thumb: /may13/only-lovers-left-alive-art-s.jpg A brand spanking new trailer for Jim Jarmusch’s toothy tale of lust and vampires, Only Lovers Left…

Post Thumb: /may13/only-lovers-left-alive-art-s.jpg Two new clips from Jim Jarmusch’s toothy tale of lust and vampires, Only Lovers Left Alive, have…