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Source Name: IGN Source Url: Post Thumb: /oct12/evildead.jpg As promised yesterday, the official first teaser trailer for the Evil…
Post Thumb: /oct12/evildead.jpg Forget about that bad bootleg version of the Evil Dead remake teaser trailer that’s been floating around…
Post Thumb: /oct12/evildead.jpg We knew it wouldn’t be long until some sneaky fan found a way to bootleg the trailer…
Post Thumb: /oct12/evildead.jpg If you were one of the folks who couldn’t make it to this past weekend’s New York…
Post Thumb: /oct12/evildead.jpg Okay, my fellow Deadites. On tap right now is the first official still and the footage description…
Post Thumb: /oct12/evildead.jpg Friends. There are TONS of them on Facebook just waiting to be “liked”, and the Candarian demons…
Post Thumb: /oct12/evildls.jpg With the New York Comic Con getting ready to hit its stride, a new bit of banner…
Post Thumb: /jul12/evildeads.jpg The official plot crunch for the remake of Sam Raimi’s classic film The Evil Dead is here,…
Source Name: Collider Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/evildeads.jpg Sam Raimi’s classic film The Evil Dead is known for many…
Source Name: Digital Spy Source Url: Post Thumb: /jul12/evildeads.jpg When remaking someone’s work, it’s important to revere what’s come…
Post Thumb: /jul12/evildeads.jpg You just have to appreciate the enthusiasm of horror fans. What’s supposed to be a “bootlegged from…