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We’ve all had our fair share of monster fantasies. Whether it’s a vampire sex thing or a Hulk smash cathartic…

Last year Double Take launched a series of ten comics dubbed the “Ultimate Night of the Living Dead,” and with…

Another year has come to an end, which means it’s time for the Dread Central staff to weigh in with…

Welcome to the third chapter of our October Madness feature! Here are five more titles I highly recommend visiting on…

As we told you previously, today is the day Double Take (2T) is releasing all 10 first issues of its…

Earlier this year we learned the titles of three of the books that Double Take is including in its “Ultimate…

Brazil’s Fantaspoa 2015 is taking place May 15-31, and the first wave of films that will be screening there has…

If you haven’t seen Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead’s incredibly unique film Spring (review), do yourself a favor and get…

Movie makers Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead have an incredibly unique film on their hands with their sophomore offering, Spring…

Released last week into theaters and onto VOD outlets was Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead’s Spring (review), a supernatural love…