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February 9, 2017
Horror stories set in the Star Wars galaxy are nothing new. First we had the young readers Galaxy of Fear…
December 27, 2016
2016, the cold miserable bitch that it is, has claimed another film icon in Carrie Fisher. The news comes from…
December 23, 2016
Now this is not the news we wanted to lead into Christmas weekend… During a flight from London to Los…
December 1, 2016
A long time ago… in a galaxy far, far away… before Darth Vader and the Empire proved to be the…
October 11, 2016
The official Star Wars Facebook page revealed two new posters designed by artist Mark Daniels in which he reimagines two…
September 19, 2016
You may assume that there’s no real connection between Robert Englund and the Star Wars franchise, but such an assumption…
August 17, 2016
I know, I know… Star Wars isn’t horror, but the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront X-Wing VR Mission extension has VR…
August 13, 2016
His horror resume may be brief, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the passing earlier today of actor…
Last week, Horrible Imaginings presented a week of screenings of the new documentary “Elstree 1976” at the Digital Gym Cinema…
April 25, 2016
The story of Julia Starchild is the story of us all. That’s not some funny metaphor, either—I really mean that…
April 11, 2016
Welcome back, kids! Those you who’ve been following the strange and tragic saga of Julia Starchild have read about some…
April 4, 2016
It was the year 1977. Year One of Star Wars. And no one knew that fact better than the producers of…