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August 8, 2016
It turns out that we don’t have long to wait for the next installment of one of the most eagerly…
June 23, 2016
There seems to be something of a surge in indie VHS-focused horror games recently. The latest is The Final Take,…
May 23, 2016
Screw political correctness! It’s time to play some Postal! That’s right… the classic 1997 game that served as a great…
February 26, 2016
Developed by Room710Games Published by Room710Games Available for PC through Steam Suitable for ages 13+ At face value, Statues seems…
January 20, 2016
Developed by zemaGamez Published by zemaGamez Available for PC (reviewed) and Mac through Steam Rated M for Mature Great action/adventure…
December 17, 2015
Developed by Arai Koh Create Office Published by YOX-Project Available for PC through Steam (reviewed), iOS, Android and Kindle Fire…
December 4, 2015
We here at Dread Central are spreading our tentacled fingers even further across the Interwebs. If you’ve got yourself a…
November 11, 2015
Ah, here’s something new and refreshing. A first-person indie horror game on Steam. You don’t see many of those. It’s…
October 31, 2015
If you were a fan of the post-apocalyptic MMO horror game Nether and were disappointed after it was taken offline,…
September 11, 2015
Indie horror games on Steam are clearly getting more and more creative and obscure, in a way that the current…
September 10, 2015
Despite its rather bland title, Stairs, which has just been given the greenlight, looks like it could be yet another…
September 10, 2015
One of the more well-publicised indie horror games on Steam is Layers of Fear, which is about the struggles of…