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Uncategorized June 29, 2007
Someone I know has seen 30 Days of Night, a rough cut of it anyway, and said it kicks major…
Uncategorized June 9, 2007
All right, talk about a good weekend for trailer debuts! First I Am Legend (see it here) now Sony has…
December 14, 2006
30 Days of Night creator Steve Niles just posted a new blog on his MySpace page with the first pic…
December 7, 2006
Just wanted to give all of you slavering for more 30 Days of Night info out there something to tide…
November 17, 2006
Steve Niles has been a busy guy as usual, juggling tons of new projects both in and out of the…
October 12, 2006
Growing up in a household where movies, music and comics were touted as “wastes of time and money” caused me…
September 11, 2006
So we’ve got our heroes for David Slade’s upcoming adaptation of Steve Niles’ 30 Days of Night, but who will…
July 19, 2006
And this time he don’t have Ash or Spidey to watch his ass! Variety reported today that Raimi, fresh off…
April 11, 2006
Reviewed by Scott A. Johnson Written by Steve Niles and Jeff Mariotte 401 pages Published by Pocket Star Books If…
November 30, 1999
Steve Niles’ fanged juggernaut 30 Days of Night just keeps rolling along. This time as a webisode series launching on…