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By John Carpenter, Sandy King and Legendary Comic Industry Talent Published By Storm King Productions Oh, the beautiful times when…

By James Ninness and Andres Esparza Published by Storm King Productions I’m always excited for any Carpenter-approved story, as…

In October, Vortex, the second chapter of the monthly anthology series John Carpenter’s Tales of Science Fiction, is kicking off;…

A trailer for John Carpenter’s upcoming graphic novel collection HalloweeNight Vol. 3 has been released and can be seen at…

Series created by John Carpenter and Sandy King Written by James Ninness Pencils & Inks by Andres Esparza Colored by…

Thanks to Nerdist, we’ve got a look at the trailer for John Carpenter’s upcoming Tales of Science Fiction comic book.…

Today being International Women’s Day, Storm King Productions, which is run by one of the hardest working women we know,…

Shown for only a day at New York Comic Con, the new trailer for the second volume in the award-winning…

John Carpenter’s Asylum, with story and characters created by Thomas Ian Griffith and Sandy King, is distributed by Diamond in…

Here at Dread Central, the very mention of John Carpenter’s name is enough to make us explode with excitement, so…