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Post Thumb: /jan13/uppers.jpg We just got an e-mail from filmmaker Justin Cole who has addressed some of the controversy around…

Post Thumb: /jan13/uppers.jpg The Upper Footage is getting ready to be screened in New York City on Friday, February 1st,…

Post Thumb: /jan13/uppers.jpg We’ve dished on this film from the get-go. From its origins as an internet mystery to the…

Source Name: Bloody Disgusting Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar12/upper.jpg Ever since it hit our radar months ago, The Upper…

Source Name: Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar12/upper.jpg Another teaser trailer for The Upper Footage (formerly Upper) came our…

Source Name: Facebook Source Url: Post Thumb: /mar12/upper.jpg Truth be told, I hadn’t heard one word about The Upper…

Post Thumb: /nov11/qtthumb.jpg A few months ago we were sent information about a viral video that had surfaced which may…

Eli Roth was an attendee of Mexico’s Morelia Film Festival, where he updated the media on all his latest projects,…

“There are no shortcuts.” This has been writer/director Paul Solet’s mantra for the last three and a half years as…

In a really interesting bit of news coming out of Sundance, CHUD‘s Devin Feraci reports that comedian Bill Hader just…

Reviewed by Heather “The Horror Chick” Wixson Starring Vegard Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Charlotte Frogner, Jenny Skavlan, Jeppe Beck Laursen…