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Uncategorized February 11, 2011
And the strangeness continues. That’s right, Rocket Poppeteers! The Super 8 Super Bowl spot continues to yield many different things,…
Uncategorized February 9, 2011
“I know the pieces fit ’cause I watched them fall away mildewed and smoldering.” Ever since the Super Bowl XLV…
Uncategorized February 9, 2011
And the speculation wagon keeps on trucking for J.J. Abrams’ upcoming monster mash, Super 8. Frame-by-frame screen caps taken directly…
Uncategorized February 7, 2011
Finally a little bit of the veil of secrecy has lifted off of J.J. Abrams’ upcoming giant monster wrecking a…
Uncategorized February 7, 2011
While we certainly for the most part don’t give the slightest shit about sports around these parts, we always tune…
Uncategorized January 12, 2011
Ah, the IMAX experience. If only we could fit movie screens that big in the comfort of our own homes.…
Uncategorized January 5, 2011
Sometimes the studios will film things under alternate titles as a means to throw off the public and journalists alike.…
Uncategorized December 6, 2010
Paramount Pictures has a LOT of flicks featuring aliens on its agenda. J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 and Star Trek 2,…
Uncategorized October 28, 2010
Finally Paramount has announced a release date for its next alien monster-mash, the ever so hush hush Super 8 which…
Uncategorized October 13, 2010
Two words, dearest reader … holy shit! This latest bit of behind-the-scenes footage from J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 which is…
Uncategorized October 11, 2010
If watching Adam Rifkin’s killer movie (now a Showtime original series) Look has taught us anything, it’s that cameras are…
Uncategorized September 27, 2010
Those of us who signed up to be “Rocket Poppeteers” as part of the viral marketing for JJ Abrams’ upcoming…