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Source Name: MTV Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg The cast and crew of Lionsgate’s Texas Chainsaw 3D recently sat…
Source Name: Yahoo! Movies Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg The other day we showed you a new Texas Chainsaw…
Source Name: Salva Gonzalez on Twitter Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg DC reader Salva Gonzalez directed us to the…
Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg Given the vast amount of cool stuff we’ve seen thus far from the upcoming Texas Chainsaw 3D,…
Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg Faced with the daunting task of rebooting an entire franchise and following directly in the footsteps of…
Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg Even though we missed her during our set visit for Texas Chainsaw 3D in Shreveport, Dread Central…
Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg On a stifling and sticky August morning in Shreveport, Louisiana, Dread Central arrived on the set of…
Source Name: FEARnet Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg You can expect much from this year’s New York Comic Con,…
Source Name: 3D Focus Source Url: Post Thumb: /aug12/newtcms.jpg Website 3D Focus caught up with Markus Lanxinger, the Lead…
Post Thumb: /stock/hhn.jpg Everyone has a holiday tradition. For us at Dread Central it’s important to kick off the Halloween…
Post Thumb: /stock/snlogos.jpg What is it with Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequels? Why do they always try ignoring everything except for…